Committee formed to oversee pact implementation
Kikwete: speed up exploration of oil, natural gas
Energy Executives and Sabasaba Participants Visit PURA Pavilion
PURA attends budget speech in Zanzibar
India signals interest in fifth licencing round
All smiles as PURA scoops an award
PURA enlightens lawmakers on oil, gas
PURA commended for management of CSR Projects
Committee lauds investment in gas facilities
PURA, DMI eye safety training centre
PURA Women Participate in National Clean Cooking Conference
Stakeholders comment on draft CSR Guidelines
TPDC doubles its stake in the Mnazi Bay Block
PURA’s Second Worker's Council Launched
PURA, ZPRA Boards assess cooperation pact implementation
TPDC, IECs table next year’s plan for approval
TAD thanks PURA for sponsorship, awareness
PURA boasts its achievements through the Workers' Council
2D oil exploration project in Eyasi Wembere completed
PURA staff trained on the new performance evaluation system